Monday, July 30, 2012


Yes, my dears...As the title suggests we rode in the tap tap AND the motorcycle taxis.

We slept in as best as we could. The loud church two buildings down is EXTREMELY proud of their sound system, and blast music and the sermon as loud as they can. The only thing worse than a 7-11 worship song is one sung in a language you can not understand. One song went on for 8 total minutes with the crowd singing/chanting the same three word phrase over and over and over and over. The lack of fans made the sweltering heat enough to move us from our beds.

We waited until noon, then headed out to find lunch. Abe had purchased Haitian cookies and Tampico the night before for our breakfast. Not the most nutritious, but you can bet the kids ate them all! It felt good to be outside. Once we found a place to eat with FANS I was able to be internally happy instead of just faking it. ;-)

Davidson, Kentye, and Jon- three of Abe's crew met us at the restuarant and then proceeded to take us to the beach! First we walked. Oh my goodness, did we walk! As soon as I was sure I could fall asleep and my legs would continue on without me, Davidson stopped us and I looked up to see six motorcycle taxis crowded around us. Before I could protest, each man loaded one of my babes between them and the driver and I was ushered to a motorcycle. I clung for dear life as I heard the giggles and happy shrieks of my babes around me. We looked like a Biker Gang with choeffeurs!! We made it several blocks away to a Tap Tap stop. The babes were breathless and begging to ride again, but the idea of riding in a Tap Tap for the first time delighted them as well. I was grateful we were in the little town of Jacmel. Had we been in Port Au Prince still, such delights would be forbidden for the white family. :)

A small pick up truck with the makeshift bus back stopped and we piled in. Before taking off we had a total of 20 people in the back. Yes, I said 20. Adults sat on laps and hung out the back and two courageous young men sat on the top. The joys of Haitian public transportation.

We arrived at the beach a bit frumpled but happy. The worst part? I left my Camera at the house. Davidson said that was best because it would have been stolen. I am still disappointed in myself. I will make up for it, later!

The ride back was much less enjoyable as everyone was tired and hungry-but the Tap Tap ride was less crowded. There was a lot of yelling going on between some very drunk young men and our friends. We never did find out why, but after we got off the Tap Tap, Davidson was very stern with Abraham and told him to call Matthias immediately. "Demand a truck." he said.  "Every day demand a truck for yous to drive on yous own. Dis is no way for your family and Madame to travel. Also, you tell Matthias you must stay at the hotel where you work. Travel from Jacmel is no good. No good."
I like Davidson.


  1. I love, love, love the way Abe's crew has his back. It is a testimony of God's omnipresent grace and love.

  2. I might have gasped when I read that your babes were riding on motorcycles. Craziness! Glad you got to spend some time at the beach!

  3. Love motorcycles myself. Wes taught Ruthi to drive our little 50 last week. She did really well, except the once when she hit the edge of the concrete, the wheel jerked and she drove into the sliding glass door. Popped the glass partially out of the frame. It's a good thing Wes is good at fixing things. My poor darling girl shook all the way to her toes for a good 20 minutes. Praise the Lord she wasn't hurt at all.
    The beach sounds like fun. And so glad that Abe's friend was there to speak up for you all.
    Xo, Christi
