Wednesday, July 18, 2012


All three boys wet the bed last night. ALL THREE. I was so happy when I woke up this morning and found that NO CHILDREN WERE ON MY FLOOR! They all slept hard and didn’t wake up. Which meant they all peed the bed. I suppose that’s the price one must pay for a good night’s sleep-at least the boys all share a bed so there was only one to clean up.
This morning Melinda was busy sweeping and mopping before the kids got up. I pay Melinda the equivalent of $210 per month which covers our complete household budget (soaps, napkins, cleaning supplies, Haitian food) AND pays Melinda to clean the floors every day, make one Haitian meal a day (our noon meal) wash all of our laundry, (my wrists are eternally grateful) clean the dishes (I DO try to wash the ones I use making breakfast and lunch but get scolded a lot) and bathe the kids every other day. Yes, I do feel spoiled. Once we move to our new little home I will miss Melinda and her services. I was told I will have to hire someone to take her place once we move, but a servant usually sleeps at the employer’s house and our little matchbox certainly has no space to spare. I tried to explain this to Gaile and tell her I would be fine doing it alone but she scolded me severely. I should focus my time on the children’s school and on my self, she said. And emphatically added that SHE would find someone who lived close to our house who could walk there every day.  How funny it is that my battles include trying TO work and not trying to get OUT of work.  It will be nice to find someone that the children like that I can trust them with,though.  I have been itching to meet the staff at the local children’s hospital. 
We finally have the internet today. Victory dances have been completed. The babes are watching Ice Age on the other laptop and Abe is ready to push me off this one so he can manage his accounts and prepare for work tomorrow. 
Son Son, Abe's co worker and adopted brother came by today and planted big kisses on my cheeks asking "How is my sister today?!?!?!" He is such a happy joy to have springing into our lives. TOmorrow Abe invited him over to dinner and I have *hopefully* successfully told Melinda to make the Haitian meal at five instead of noon. Son Son speaks rather good English and is fun to visit with. Abe is hoping he will accompany us to our visit to the beach Sunday-the Babes FIRST swim in the ocean. :-) 


  1. So happy you now have a way to communicate with the outside world. Wish I could be there to shoo the bid daddy stink bugs(too big to squish) and play speed scrabble with you to take your mind off the heat. And, sweetie, thanks you for paying attention during English lessons. :) Hug the babes for me...(and don't forget to tell your hubbie he is your hero.)

  2. Happy dance for internet! I've spent an hour this morning reading through your blog posts, and have laughed and cried. Thank you for being so transparent and for sharing your heart, Ellie. I'm proud to know you.

  3. Thank you Mom! Thank you Laura! Hugs and Prayers to you both!!!!
