Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 31

Yesterday we loaded up and went to Penye. It was so exciting to see our new house PAINTED!! Bright green, deep red and a sunshiny yellow. Despite how the color pallet might sound to the American designer, it actually was very tasteful! The bedrooms are completely finished and the kitchen cupboards are being built. There doesn't appear to be a place for a stove/oven. Abe is going to ask about that today.
After we toured our tiny house we went to the only restaurant that offers "fast food." After ordering and waiting about 20 minutes you can have Cheeseburgers made on freshly baked rolls, an attempt at chicken nuggets, and yummy pizza with french fries. We were too late for ice cream as that section had closed but just going out was enough for the babes!
There are groups of Haitian boys that station themselves at different places around town- restaurants and gas stations... Some have rags that they try to wash off your car with for a few gdes, others just ask for money. On our way out Abe held a plate of leftovers the kids wanted to have for later. The boys flocked over asking for the food. The leftover food... bitten rolls, pizza crusts, half empty bottles of Tampico. They were just hungry. I contemplated squishing all of them into the truck and taking them home with me for warm baths, hot food and the rest of their lives in love. Reaching in to my purse I pulled out all the small bills and coins I had and passed them out. The guard tried to push me into the truck. I held on a split second longer to one boy who could only have been seven. Adam's age. His eyes met mine, but neither of us smiled.
I have read a lot of people's point of view on child hunger, third world countries' needs, why people are where they are. The only thought that stuck in my heart as we drove away was, no one is above another. That could be Adam but for a simple change in God's plan. I held Isaiah closely as we headed home, praying a hedge of protection over my babes, and begging God to show me where best to give.


  1. Oh, Ellie. The difference you are making already in those little lives...amazing. Thank you for sharing your heart once again.

    1. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish you can do good to them... Mark 14:7 The poor are with us always. Always. Always. Jezi renmen ou. Repeat often as you give 'Bits nan manje' and 'itilize soulye'. It isn't food and shoes you are really giving but 'lanmou pou Bondye'. The love of God.

  2. Tears and blubbering here. How very grateful I am for being born in this time and place. And I'm repeating your prayer for His guidance here also. Praying for you today sweetie.
