Monday, August 27, 2012

a Few Pictures

After we made it home Sunday Daddy still somehow
 had enough energy to help the babes "fly!"

Isaiah goes the highest!

Wish I could add the giggles!

Dawee does NOT like to fly. He prefers
to laugh and watch.

Even Adam is not too big-yet!

The concrete pics I promised.

Loading the mixer

Test video. Hope it works!!!!

With that...have a great night!


  1. Yay! Love the pics of the babes! It was awesome Skyping with you the other day! So fun to see the smiles and hear all the giggles! :)
    Miss you all a TON!!!!!

  2. Abe must be getting much exercise to still be able to toss those CHILDREN about so! They are soooo big! I can hear the giggles in my mind...
