Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 18- Stupid white woman... :-D

Hello from Jacmel!
I suppose when you have to look at a calendar to see how long it has been, perhaps life HAS been busy enough to distract you from counting the days spent in Haiti...
Today is day 21 but let me fill you in on what you missed. 

DAY 18
Hot as usual, but we had power. Melinda informed me that we needed more money for food. There must have been a misunderstanding when we used an interpreter to arrange the household and food money. I told her my newest, most favorite phrase, "Abraham fix it."
Abraham called and told me to pack up for a week-end in Jacmel. There is a hotel that one of his crews is building five new bungalows at. The owner is getting fidgety to have it all finished and Abe is needed to show the guys how to set the roofs and get things tied up. 

I decided it was time to take control in the kitchen- Pizza Time!!!
I gathered all the ingredients then called Abe to see if he could pick up some yeast on his way home. Sadly he had three more hours of work and it was already 4:30. I asked Melinda to go to the market and buy some, but she looked at me stupidly. I even said what I thought was the Creole word for yeast and bread, leven and pen. Still ineffectual. Finally I called Abe and told him if he didn't hear from me in one hour I was kidnapped and he needed to start gathering ransom.
I grabbed 100 gourdes. (Enough for a treat for the babes, too)
I told Melinda I was going. (She at least understood to watch the petites.)
I opened the gate. (That sucker is heavy!)
I waved to the guard. (Who just stood there and shook his head.
I walked down the street, around the corner, down the block...
I bought the yeast.
I returned.
Did I die?
Sadly, yes.
But I lived. ;-)  (Due homage to Ice Age. Corny, yes but funny.)

The pizza was delicious, by the way.


  1. Good for you! Never let little things like language barrier and possible kidnapping detour you from a decent loaf of bread (or pizza crust). By the way, you CAN get by with a biscuit dough crust for pizza if you are truly in a pinch. Silly girl.

  2. I totally got the Ice Age reference! Lol!

    I think I'm going to make pizza tonight, yes Mexican style with salsa mixed with retried beans for sauce, olives and tomatoes for toppings.

    Love you darling! And I love your daring too!
