Friday, July 20, 2012

DAY 10

School was a no go for half my babes today. We stopped just before the point of frustration and made chocolate chip cookies for dinner with Abe and Son Son. The kids are especially dirty today and the allotted bath time came and went. I went to the bathroom to give them myself when I discovered there simply was no water. I went outside and asked Melinda what was going on. She pointed to the roof and said "D'glo fini." Hateful words. I had noticed large black plastic cylinder tanks on the roofs of everyone around me, but it never dawned on me what they actually were. I just assumed the plumbing for the Capitol of Haiti would be like any regular American city. WRONG!!!!! Apparently a large water truck comes round and uses a long fire hose to fill up the water tanks placed on top of the houses. That is the water that flows through the pipes and into our sinks and toilets. When the tank is empty- there is no water. Sounds simple. Learn something new EVERY MOMENT!!!!! Abe has contacted the company who is supposed to keep the house running for us. Something else we need to consider when we move into our new house in Penye. 
I tried to get us a ride to the job site to see Abe, or to our new house-anything to get the kids out of the house. But the driver was busy with extra people in from the states and couldn't be spared. Ready to steal a car ;-)
Half way through the day Abe called and said the Boss requested him and I to join another employee in wining and dining a visiting architect and engineer from Virginia. They are the two that created the blue prints for the school Abe is currently constructing. While that meant no dinner with Son Son, the kids were still delighted when he came over and visited for a while anyway. We shared our chocolate chip cookies with everyone and even Melinda melted and exclaimed "Bon!" upon tasting them. I spend nearly an hour scrubbing the black off of my feet and dressing to impress. Around 8 pm our driver arrived and we were taken to a very nice place with live jazz/kumba music. The food was very good, everything ordered was imported. There were small bags of water hanging from the rafters and it made me giggle. Even in one of the finest restaurants here they used the hick backwoods way of keeping flies away!!!


  1. Ah, a night to relax with hubbie. Very good, Sissy Boo. And your cooking would make the most ardent critic exclaim, "Bon!"
