Saturday, November 3, 2012

Together Again...In Missouri

All of the Barlow Bunch is together again. After the loooooongest week  and two days of my life Abe somehow managed to wrangle our four babes and get them from Port Au Prince to Springfield,Mo. Hurricane Sandy held them hostage for those nine day while I recovered from surgery...waiting as the seconds ticked so slowly by. I can not begin to tell you how giddy it makes me to hear my children playing again and feel their sticky sweet kisses and super snuggley hugs.
I am healing up from typhoid a bit slower than I would like. Although any healing at all would be a bit too slow for me. ;-) I am blessed to have a good Dr here and tests show that the typhoid bacteria is completely out of my system. I suppose I should be more patient as my organs recover from being in a slow cooker for so long...
Abe is currently on his way to *hopefully* purchase a car with the last week's wages he received from Haiti. He has plans to work at whichever one of three possible places pan out starting Monday. We are praying everything goes smoothly.
Missouri has been a lot chillier than we are used to, but thanks to an old friend and the generosity and kind hearts of a few people we have jackets and closed toe shoes! The air is so much drier here so Carol's and my skin are enjoying being slathered in lotion.
I am so grateful for the many kindnesses given by our dear Uelands as they let us stay in an "empty" house on their farm and have fed, loved and drive us around. I am anxious to be independent again and pay it forward. God is so merciful to allow us to fall here.
I still tear up when I think about those I had to part with in Haiti without even a hug or a sweet goodbye. My heart aches for the needs I could be filling there as my mind wonders how much good was really done during my four short months there. We were prepared for a minimum of two years. I can only trust that the Lord has His reasons.
Unpacking our bags here we have found several little pieces of Haiti. A lovely cockroach had hitched a ride in my medic bag and a happy round spider decided to stow away in the clothes. Papers and receipts, paintings and gourdes all popped up to bring another tear to my eye. I am reminded of Dr Seuss's quote, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Who knows where our next adventure will be? For now, it is here in the middle of the Ozarks in Missouri. And everywhere we go we will be dwelling in our mission field. <3


  1. We miss you in Haiti! Home is where mom is and your kids must be so happy to be back together as a family. I hope we get to see each other again one day soon :)

  2. The ebb and flow, highs and lows, seem to define a life dedicated to Christ. We go where He takes us, celebrating His presence where ever that may be: Arizona, Missouri, Nebraska, Las Vegas, Utah, Port Au Prince, and beyond. With and without the presence of family, money, home ownership, and stuff in general, Christ is ever present, ever loving, ever omnipotent. I will miss your Haiti adventures but adventures abound where ever you are! Keep writing. How does Freezing in Missouri sound??
